Thursday, June 19, 2008

Taiwan trip Day 3 ~ Jiufen , Keelung Miaokow 九份、基隆庙口

Our Day 3 in Taiwan, we planned to venture the northern side ... Jiufen -> Keelung , Miaokow

Well, the initial plan was to take a 2hour bus ride from Zhongxiao fuxing station to Jiufen but Looking at the bus and road condition, we decided on taking the comfort ride of the rapid train to Ruifang train station instead.

Took a train from Ximen Station and alight at Taipei Main station, walked to the train station.
There is no enquiry counter or any pamplet on the train station, not even sure how many stops away to Ruifang. I told deardear to get tickets for the earliest train.. and got the 1140am tickets with no seats allocated, means we need to find our own seats.

We were early so sat inside the station to wait for the train to arrive.

The train is approaching.... look at the people rushin to get in first to get a seat

Looks like mrt , haha ....

Yeah.. We got ourselves a seat.. its freezing cold inside....

The ride is quite long.... must be alert when taking the train... coz maybe you will need to change train at Qi Du or Ba Du.... Heng our train is straight to Ruifang...

Yeah.... we are here!

Across the street is where you take the "Jinguashi" bus to Jiufen.....

We didnt wait for the bus as it was rather packed.
Hehe.. there are alot of cabbie waiting to drive you there for a fee of NTD 180

The cabbie drove us straight to Li Yi Bing Dian... famous for their butter Tai Yang Bing
Its directly beside Jiufen old street
We sampled almost all their pastry... hehe.

They have curry , greenbean, yam flavours.
They made it freshly packed for you to collect on your departure day at Taipei Main station or they deliver it to your hotel if you order more than NTD 1500..

Me and darling hubby total ordered NTD 5132 worth of pastries...
Their Tai Yang Bing taste really delicious!! our relative and colleagues loved it.
Oh yah , the curry flavour pastry taste very nice!!!

The 7-11 is under renovation .. its at the left side...

The "initial-D" hairpin curvy road.. haha...

Windy up there at the viewing shelter

Me @ Jiufen Old street!!!

My deardear @ jiufen old street.... must take a significant "landmark" shot whereever we go

Foodies... here we come!

Its food and gifts everywhere...

Muacks.... A kiss everywhere we go...

Fruits coated in malt sugar?!

Try the pork marinated in red wine


Close up on the jelly covered red wine pork

Sotong, fish ball soup...

As usual.. hubby likes to venture into novelty shops

Cool view

Ah - Mei Tea House

The nostalgic feel ...

The window view from our table...

My tired baby....
Still as Hand-some as ever

The tea leaf menu is engraved on the bamboo..
Not cheap leh... better not order pot of tea there...
The cheapest pot of tea also need about NTD 500

In the end decided to order a Coffee set.. that comes with a cake NTD 250
And a fizzy drink with jelly - NTD 250 too...

A very hot day.......
Can see it in hubby's face..

More than words...

The outdoor view from the teahouse.....
Wont get this kind of view in singapore
A memorable trip with a memorable scenic view


The view from the steps down

Another teahouse... there are lots of tea house..
Each claiming to be the one , the movie Sad ciy was filmed.

The iconic view of Jiufen

This teahouse looks like those used to film Kungfu teahouse fighting scenes

My boy and his fetish with taking photo with bikes on the roadside
Down the road would be the bus stop to take the bus to Keelung or taipei

The bus from jiufen to keelung is really a "bumpy" bus...
The curvy road of jiufen down to keelung is fast, curvy and bumpy ...And the driver is really skillful.... weaving in and out of narrow lanes.... and squeezing thru jam packed roads..
I think all their buses survived well without suspension.... I am so glad I finally got a seat...

Honey was trying hard not to puke.....lolz

The bus driver is chewing betel nuts all the way...
And he can drive with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand leaning on the window.....

Finally we are at KEELUNG

The bus driver will annouce the stop to MiaoKow...
But we decided to alight at Keelung station to find out whats the time of the train back to taipei in the evening...

Arent we a cute couple?!

Keelung harbour

simply warms my heart

The three storey Macdonald...

My man taking the shot.. I taking the shot of him...hehe

The "bridge" near MiaoKow


The temple near miaokow... dun know wats the temple name though

The husband wans to go in take alook, the wife follows..

Really grand inside

Across the street to the foodies .... this is only the beginning..
You have to walk into the middle to get to the actual Miaokow....

Woo... delicious beancurd with pearl...yummy!

Takopachi with wasabi paste... taste uniquely good!
The small little boy in green is assigned to look after his little sis...

Decided to try the Lu Rou Fan since everyone is talking about it

Chey, its just rice with mince meat stewed in black sauce .. haha.
But its a simple meal to fill your tummy...

Their fried beehoon taste like a fusion of Tang Hun and beehoon combo....

Yeah! Ready to tuck in...

Pig's blood cube soup!!!!!

My baby is grinning from ear to ear....
He is going to finish the whole bowl

This! is the orginal Miaokow.. .open 24hour
The metal shinny signboards with yellow lanterns hanging at the top...

Many different type of food for you to choose from.. definitely one wil suit your taste

This is really the Miaokow "miaokow"
The temple entrance...

The crowded stall selling "Ding Bian Cuo"

We ordered one bowl to try... until now, we still dun know what isit..
The soup taste good though.. but the white flour stuff quite tough to chew..

The stall selling "Healthy" sandwiches...
The ingredients are tomato, Lor egg, ham, cucumber

put everything inside the oven baked crispy crossiant with mayo..
Yum, it really does taste good. Should try it!

Keelung sign lights up in many colours during the night....

After a fufiling meal, we slowly headed back to Keelung railway station

Train station of keelung... al fresco style...

On board our Zhi Qiang train.. slightly more expensive, but seats are allocated to you...
When we board the train, it was totally empty...

Goofing around ....

Comfortable seats with ample leg room....

Finally , after a tiring long day.. we get to enjoy the comfort train ride back to Taipei..

Look wat we got from Carrefour on our way back to hotel.. heehe.. coloured egg tarts...
My deardear finished them all by himself

The cool brazilian coffee bag.. hehe... you just tear open the top, hook the sides to the edges of the cup.. add hot water and see it drip.. hehe.

Cute piggy cup noodles....

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