Tuesday, June 17, 2008

3K521 SIN to TPE

Morning 1030am
.... took a cab to Changi Airport Terminal One.

Dear's "Alibaba" Bag , with my hard travelcase underneath it

Check-In counter

Before boarding the plane, we had lunch at burger king in the transit area.

Look at his smiley face.. hahha, he just cant wait to go taiwan

Our plane

Onboard 3K521 at 1250pm

Yeah! Getting ready to take off at 1pm sharp!

My $3 pepsi Light drink on board

Soaring above the clouds

This is my window view from seat 7A

Arrival at TPE Taoyuan International Airport on time!

Collect our luggage from the belt , stamp passport and off we go!

Taipei Rainbow Hotel~台北長虹大飯店

The journey from Taoyuan Airport to Ximending took us roughly 40mins.
Transport fee NTD1100.
The driver went round and round a few times because he didnt know that the road to the hotel was closed at night. So if you are taking the cab to Rainbow Hotel from airport, it should be safe to ask to stop at East Dragon Hotel and then walk your way in.

Xi Men Ding at night

Its the building with the green-white signboard
Right smack at the middle where autography sessions are held at the centerstage.

Our room key - 610

By the way, first digit is the level of the room. hehe...
We booked the hotel thru http://www.hotelclub.com/
It was pretty easy , just print out the confirmation voucher and show it to the counter and they will require you to verify with passport and the key will be issued to you.
It cost us around $480 for 5 nights at Rainbow Hotel

Entrance of room door.
A cupboard , dressing table with hot water flask.

The double bed with a cool lighting control system beside it.

The TV with 100 channels and a hair dryer

The bathroom with bathtub.
Strong showerhead, the temperature can be adjustable, even temp at the washbasin can also be adjusted. Toothbrush, shower gel, shampoo, shaver, cotton buds, toothpaste all provided and replaced everyday. they provide us with fresh towels and hand towels everyday.. heehee.

Small room but cosy

I personally feel that the service was good at rainbow hotel. The room was always neat and tidy every day when we came back to the room.
They will even refill the hot water flask for us.
Any problem , just give them a call and they are always ready to help.

The only thing is that the morning sun shines in thru the sides and bottom of the window and shine directly at our face level.
My darling hubby always wake up early becoz of the sun shinning on him. haha.

->7-eleven is less than 1 min away from the hotel, just across the hotel.

->There is Dunkin Donuts, Mister donuts , macdonald, KFC just within 5mins walk.

->Ximen MRT station(Exit6) is only 5mins walk from the hotel (maybe less than 5mins)

-> 飞天麻辣 (NTD360/pax) and 天外天 (NTD380/pax) is just nearby.

HUAXI Street / Night Market and Long Shan Temple

Our 1st night at Taipei..... after unpacking at Rainbow Hotel, we decided to walk to Carrefour to get some neccessities , Cup noodles and try to walk to Huaxi Street Night market.
We tried to get directions, but the people told us its too far to walk will take at least 30mins to reach.

Anyway, being adventurous, we went ahead and walk to Huaxi Street.
Here's a map taken from their MRT website. I have drawn out how we actually walk to huaxi street the "straight and safe" way.

Here we are finally! after approximately 30mins walk.
Its actually two sides Guilin Road. But the two straight lanes are not very happening. It was until we walk towards Guangzhou street night market that the night market feel starts to appear.

Big bowl for NT55.
Not sure what are all inside, its something like yong tau foo, with pork balls, fish cake, toupok and some weird stuff.

Ah wei decided to grab the 猪血糕....
It doesnt taste of the Pig blood , more like kueh to me.

The 蚝煎 or they call it the Orh Ah Jian. (Oyster Omelette)
Its well fried, crispy and oysters . But the sauce is sweet, not quite use to it.

Walking thru the crowded night market and trying to look at many things at one go, really make me dizzy. I was feeling nausea and blur vision when I get to the end of the street.
Was kind of worried that I get diarrhoea and viomitting..... made Weiwei worried too.
Heehee.. Heng Caught sight of Long Shan Temple, can take a rest there.

We were at the entrance of Long Shan Temple @ 930pm and its still open.

Its grand architecture makes me wonder if people take great pride in their temple structure...

A mini waterfall inside the temple!!

AFter circling one round inside the temple and still feeling abit sick, I had to tell weiwei to take me back to the hotel and we had to cancel the trip to Carrefour and get our toiletries at Watson's and 7-eleven instead.
Something to take note : You need to bring your own bag for your purchases, they charge you for the bags.

Before we got on the cab back to hotel, we bought Ma La Chou Dou Fu 麻辣臭豆腐

And "Big Intestine" although its actually glutinous rice made to look like intestine